Ordinary Divorce
The difference between this type of divorce and the Fixed Fee Simplified Divorce is that whereas for the simplified divorce there cannot be any children under the age of 16 in an Ordinary Divorce Action you can have children under 16.
The reason for the different procedure is that, even if every detail has been agreed as far as the children are concerned, the court still requires confirmation in relation to the children’s welfare.
As a result of this the procedure is longer and costs more.
To be eligible for this kind of divorce (Ordinary Divorce) you have to have been separated from your spouse for more than a year and your spouse will have to sign a consent form to agree to the divorce.
If you have been separated from your spouse for over two years no consent would be necessary.
The time a Fixed Fee Ordinary Divorce takes to complete, depends on a number of matters and is more difficult to predict than the Fixed Fee Simplified Divorce. If the case ran smoothly the divorce decree should be obtained within 3 or 4 months.
Our fee for this type of divorce is £932.90 + VAT (£1119.48 total).
There are also standard court fees of £265 to be paid to the court.
To serve the papers the Sheriff Officers fees are £115.52.
TOTAL £1,500
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